It may be time to slap your forehead, roll your eyes skywards, and utter an
expletive. I think Dead Rat is rhyming slang for a certain popular distro. Or
were you joking about not having heard of it? Apologies if that's the case :-)
- Kev
Beverly Guillermo wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Vinnie Surmonde wrote:
> > I know deadrat does it like that (or similarly enough that it's not worth
> > thinking about :) ) ... what are you running? :)
> >
> > Vinnie
> I'm running Slackware and Redhat right now. I've never heard
> of dreadrat? It sounds interesting though.. Slackware does
> have a different initialization runlevels compared to Redhat
> and I just realized looking at the /etc/inittab file that you
> can even write up your own runlevel setting. =) You just
> have to write the appropriate startup scripts. Cool. =}
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Beverly Guillermo [[mezanin]]
> ************