And considering I just wrote that message about an hour ago, I'm very impressed by the number of detailed messages I've received. Everyone had some very intelligent, down-to-earth things to say and I kept all the messages for future reference :) So thanks again :) Take care, Amanda K. ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- [techtalk] A simple problem Ellen Gibboney
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Caitlyn M. Martin
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Clint Forgy
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Just This Girl
- [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Amanda Knox
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Lyta Alexander
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Laurel Fan
- [techtalk] Different Linuxes - wha... Amanda Knox
- [techtalk] Different Linuxes - wha... Janus
- Re: [techtalk] Different Linux... Ingrid Schupbach
- Re: [techtalk] Different L... Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Kristina
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Ian Hall-Beyer
- RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Samantha Jo Moore
- RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Nicole
- RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8,... Vinnie Surmonde
- RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill... Deanne
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a ... Laurel Fan