Just This Girl wrote: > Did you try 'kill pid' or 'kill -9 pid'? 'kill -9' should bring down > anything. Simple question (I hope): Why is it '-9' exactly? Are there different kill levels or something? What if I typed 'Kill -1'? Just curious, and I doubt I would have the know-how to find that exact answer in the man pages ;) Take care, Amanda (who should probably start calling herself Amanda K. now, since there's another Amanda on the list *smile*) ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
- [techtalk] A simple problem Ellen Gibboney
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Caitlyn M. Martin
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Clint Forgy
- Re: [techtalk] A simple problem Just This Girl
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Amanda Knox
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Lyta Alexander
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Laurel Fan
- Thanks! Re: [techtalk] Is there a ... Amanda Knox
- [techtalk] Different Linuxes - wha... Janus
- Re: [techtalk] Different Linux... Ingrid Schupbach
- Re: [techtalk] Different L... Laurel Fan
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Kristina
- Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Ian Hall-Beyer
- RE: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too? Samantha Jo Moore