
You said you are trying to install this on a N96. I take this is an old N96 and 
not a new one?
Did the N96 already have Talks on it? If so, did you turn it off before trying 
to install the new version? You shouldn't have needed to turn Talks off at all 
from version 5 on.
Did you leave the battery in or out of the phone while you weren't using it?
If you left the battery out of the phone and when you initially put it back 
into the phone, did you set the date and then bypass the time? Yes you noticed 
I didn't say anything about the city. If the phone had already been configured; 
Leaving the battery out for let's say an hour or so will cause it to come up 
asking for the date and then the time.

As you can see; to many unknowns to just give you one straight answer.
But my initial thoughts, it sounds like you don't have the date set correctly. 
Try using 03/03/2014. Yeh I know that is last year's date, but that would 
ensure it will install. You can install Talks first and then the TTS. That away 
you will have speech for the TTS install. The phone already has an TTS built in 
and this is why you can do that. Then you can set the date and time correctly 
when you get it up and talking.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On Behalf Of Judy Jones
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 1:27 PM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

Hi again,

Well, no success.  I have an N96 phone.  I followed your instructions step by 
step, but obviously am doing something wrong with no verbal results.

I downloaded PC Suite on my computer.  It wanted to update my phone, and I had 
fails on that one, the message saying update failed, no other messages.

Also, I could not remember which of the Talks files to load first, so I opted 
for the eloquence file.  At this point, I was no longer getting any update 
failure messages from PC Suite, so hoped I had somehow updated the phone.

However, when trying to install, during the process, I get a "click" like a 
hang-up noise.

Too many unanswered questions.

I am still keeping your instructions, however, in the event I can get them to 
work at some point.  Not sure what to do next.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Giggar
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:32 AM
To: 'Talks Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

No Judy! I posted instructions a long time ago back in 2004/2005 of how to 
install Talks without sited help. At that point, dealers whir wanting to charge 
people $100 to do less then 5 minutes of work! That is why I posted the 
instruction of how to do it on your own.

Basically! If it is Symbian 3rd SP1 and below; The screen come up as City 
(Pressing SoftKey2) to bypass.
Next screen date. This requires you to know of you have an American firmware 
phone or overseas firmware phone being the Month/Day are reversed. If you don't 
know; Then enter something like 01/01/2015 and it will not care as long as the 
date is after the date on the Talks signed file. Then press OK.
Next is the time screen. Again you can press SoftKey2 to bypass this screen 
being Talks doesn't care about the time.

Now on Symbian 3rd SP2 and above the screens for date and time are reversed. 
Time and then Date. Same procedure for entering the date.

Give the phone about 15 seconds after that and then press the End Call button 
to clear anything on the screen. You can then press a number to see if you get 
touch tones or not. If not, press the End call button again. Keep repeating 
until you can get touch tones. When you get toucn tones; the press the end call 
button again to clear the screen.

Then installing Talks on your own; It is besed to connect it to your PC using 
PC Suite. Again knowing what type of phone you have will tell you if you need 
to arrow UP once or just being able to press select. Normally on Symbian 3rd 
Edition SP1, you may need to arrow UP once I think it is to be able to select 
PC suite mode. On Symbian 3rd SP2 and above you can just press enter.

Then using your PC, select the file and tell your PC to send it to the phone. 
Wait for the phone to beep; Then start pressing SoftKey1 with an 5 secont delay 
between presses. Do this 7 times. Then give the phone about 30 seconds to start 
talking. After Talks is installed, then you can install the TTS.

Signed: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On Behalf Of Judy Jones
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:53 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

Hi,  Brad,   It's been a long while since I hve used Talks, and thought 
sighted assistance was needed to set date and time out of the box.  Please 
explain, for instance, should I get a Nokia N96 for my husband from Ebay, I 
power up the phone, how can I install Talks without sighted assistance. 
Would be great to know.  Thanks in advance.


Sent from my Samsung S5 Mini Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Brad Keller <keller...@gmail.com>
Date:01/25/2015  8:36 AM  (GMT-07:00)
To: 'Talks Mailing List' <talks@talksusers.com>
Subject: Re: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

As of right now there is no further development being done on talks since the 
Symbian platform is no longer being used on Nokia phones... they have gone to 
Windows mobile OS. No you do not need sighted help to install talks as long as 
you know what symbian version is on the phone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talks [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On Behalf Of Judy Jones
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2015 12:50 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

Thanks so much for your message. I thought your observations were the case.
Too bad.  I was talking with a younger person just this past week who is not 
enthrawled with touch screens either.

Do you think Talks has a future or will it also become a thing of the past?

Correct me if I am wrong, but if memory serves, sighted help is still needed to 
install Talks, especially when getting a new phone that needs time and date 
set.  I've gotten too spoiled with my Android with TalkBack built in.



-----Original Message-----
From: Dawnielle Voegele
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2015 10:57 PM
To: talks@talksusers.com
Subject: [Talks] Android phones with buttons

Hi judy,

     I know that some android phones still have buttons. However, they are 
equipped with touch screens, as well. They have slide-out keyboards. And yes, 
phones with buttons are becoming a thing of the past. My guess would be that in 
another five or maybe ten years, you will not be able to find phones with a 
physical keyboard or keypad, anymore. I think it’s sad, personally, because my 
grandparents adore their flip phones and have no use for touch screen devices 
and all they can do. They simply want the phones for texting, calling, and 
possibly, picture-taking. But I know that some Androids do have slide-out 
keyboards still.

Take Care,
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