Dear all,

I changed the product code using NSS pro:

I used the free version of the program. I was not able to find a way
to check the "enable" buttons (there were 5 of them) in order to be
able to change the product code. Jaws would say "not checked" even
after pressing the space bar or enter. I asked a sighted friend to
check those. Otherwise, I needed to pres the "read" button in order to
read the code, then to put in the manifacturing month and the ordder
number (I put them randomly) and then press the "write button". Only
then I changed the product code.

Thanks for your help and warm regards,


On 8/3/12, Christopher Chaltain <> wrote:
> I'm not Eleanor, and I'm not sure why this question won't be answered on
> this list, but try sending a blank email message to
> to subscribe to the accessible
> phones mailing list.
> On 03/08/12 13:20, milica trpevska wrote:
>> Dear Eleanore,
>> Can you inform me how I can subscribe to this blind phones list?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Milica
>> On 8/3/12, Eleanor Burke <> wrote:
>>> Why not contact Nokia directly or google for solution.  There is a blind
>>> phones list.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "milica trpevska" <>
>>> To: "talks" <>
>>> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 7:08 PM
>>> Subject: [Talks] Changing product code on nokia E5
>>>> Hello folks,
>>>> I am aware this issue might be better addressed to another list, but I
>>>> don't know of other lists where accessible phones and/or programs are
>>>> discussed. For this reason, I would kindly ask you to help me with
>>>> this or direct me to another list where I can address this issue.
>>>> I have a nokia E5 and I want to change the phone language. Currently,
>>>> it has only English, French and another language I do not know of. I
>>>> do want to change it to another option so that I can use it in my own
>>>> language as well.
>>>> I tried changing the product code with a fre program, simple product
>>>> code changer, but it accepts only digits/numbers. As my phone's
>>>> product code and the product code I want to change the phone to
>>>> contain both letters/characters and digits, I have to use anothe
>>>> program to do it. Can you recommend me another free program that I can
>>>> use to be able to complete this operation?
>>>> I hope you will be able to help as tthe staff at the store where I
>>>> bought the phone would not find a solution.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Milica
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