Why not contact Nokia directly or google for solution. There is a blind phones list. ----- Original Message ----- From: "milica trpevska" <milica.trpev...@gmail.com>
To: "talks" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 7:08 PM
Subject: [Talks] Changing product code on nokia E5

Hello folks,

I am aware this issue might be better addressed to another list, but I
don't know of other lists where accessible phones and/or programs are
discussed. For this reason, I would kindly ask you to help me with
this or direct me to another list where I can address this issue.

I have a nokia E5 and I want to change the phone language. Currently,
it has only English, French and another language I do not know of. I
do want to change it to another option so that I can use it in my own
language as well.

I tried changing the product code with a fre program, simple product
code changer, but it accepts only digits/numbers. As my phone's
product code and the product code I want to change the phone to
contain both letters/characters and digits, I have to use anothe
program to do it. Can you recommend me another free program that I can
use to be able to complete this operation?

I hope you will be able to help as tthe staff at the store where I
bought the phone would not find a solution.

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