Hi Marcus and all,
A good thing about it is that we can use talks to access the fm radio menus
and save our favorite radio stations. It's important to explain for other
listers that using some tricks fm radio becomes accessible. The only problme
is that we can't have talks and fm radio working together in e72. But it's
very nice and easy to have some stations saved and tune it without the need
to pass through stations I don't like.
Thanks for the explanations, Paulo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcus Groeber" <marcus.groeber.at.nua...@bugcom.de>
To: "Talks Mailing List" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] FM radio. Asking again
Hi Paulo (and all),
The instructions to change priority haven't worked out.
But the first idea, to mute talks before openning radio is ok.
I just arrow left and right and go to my favorite stations.
This is unfortunately quite typical for how audio routing in Symbian
works: there are a huge number of undocumented variables (priority
setting, sample rate 8/11/16kHz, active phone calls, headset or not, what
audio started first, which application is playing the audio etc.). All of
these influence whether a TTS can play together with other audio,
interrupts it or gets silenced. Occasionally, even minor firmware updates
change this, so keeping TALKS working under all conditions as expected is
always a work in progress.
Things tend to work much better in later versions of Symbian (where
"mixing" multiple audio sources is often the useful default), but the FM
radio appears to be one of the trickiest cases that are still left.
So while the following may not be very helpful, it is still interesting: I
have seen report (not verified yet) that indicated that TALKS is able to
co-exist with audio from the FM radio if the phone does not have a SIM
card inserted - perhaps going to offline mode does the same on some
ciao marcus
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