Maurice, as one of the moderators as far as I know you have not been
asked by any of the other moderators to stop posting to this list.
There are only four people who can ask you to stop posting or prevent
you from posting to this list. Please do not feel that just because
one member is not happy with something you have done you have to stop
posting. This list is meant for the asking of questions concerning
Talks. There are a lot of people on this list that do not post at all
or very little and that is OK. If no one ever asked any questions then
this list would serve no purpose. Please ignore any requests from list
members, other than moderators, to stop posting to the list. Brad
Keller Talks List Moderator

On 3/13/12, Maurice Press <> wrote:
>  Hi All.
> I have been notified by a member - won't reveal their name,  that people
> feel I ask a lot of questions   but don't try to answer others.
> I must make it clear that I only answer questions when I know the actual
> answer - I don't believe in guessing as this can confuse.
> So,  this being the case I will take a back seat now and just observe.
> Apologies to those who I have aggrieved.
> Thanks.
> Maurice Press
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