Hi listers,
I'd like to share a simple but usefull experience with talks.
I'm surprised to discover that quickoffice in e72 can read a xls file that I 
had created to help me in the supermarket.
I have a column with the name of the products I want and another column with 
the number of units I want.
For example,
chocolate 4
Soda 3
It's nice to have the xls file instead of a txt file because in quicksheet we 
can easily delete the items that we have already bought. I just press the 
delete buttom.
The access to quicksheet with talks is not perfect and requires pacience, 
method and training. In my experience I need to arrowup and down to read the 
first column and always arrow right to read the second column.
It's not that I recomend you to use quicksheet for complex files and serious 
But it may be nice in simple occasions like when you need to use a checklist.
If you have a different cell phone, please ask on the list about the usability 
of quickoffice. Possibly or probably it doesn't work the same in other devices.
And please don't trust my english. You should wait for an expert in talks that 
also speaks english perfectly to confirm what I say. It's hard for me to write 
in english and I'm just trying to help.
Regards, Paulo
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