Hi Maurice, I am smiling! I too get the 'N' and 'M' wrong more often thn not and then it is sometimes difficult to hear Talks distinguish between both. Now I don't like the spelling alphabet so if I am in doubt I will backspace otherwise I will know when the word is written! Well maybe not even 10 minutes a day, but the kind of thing I might do when TV or radio is on. It is indeed a lovely phone.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Hi Eleanor.
That's very interesting and Thanks for the Feedback.

I too have been told by sighted people that they use their thumbs for
texting but I've never been able to manage that.

I am also a Braille reader and proficient typist so guess that's why I find
the Index Finger of my left-hand the best one to use.
I am often standing up whilst sending texts and occasionally playing the
piano at the same time - yes I really mean at the same time.

I have been sending texts now with the E6 and although it takes me a bit
longer than the N86 did I am getting better.

Your idea of 10 minutes a day is a very good one. I too can visualise the
keyboard in my mind which is very helpful.
The one thing I get mixed up with having used the N86 is the N and M keys
and often hit the wrong one for the other.

Oh Well, as my piano teacher used to say, Practice, practice and more

I do really like the phone though.

Thanks a gain.


-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 15 November 2011 11:23
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Maurice *smile*, I text with my left index finger while supporting the phone

with my right hand.  I know I am fast but I thought that was acceptable,
when sighted people see me text they are amazed at my speed. I ask: 'Can't
you text that fast?' and they say 'No'!  It is a spacial awareness thing.
Of course when I first saw a qwerty keyboard on a phone, I was all over the place, trying to text with both hands *smile* with the phone on my knee but
how practical is that when I am walking around the park?!  Then I tried a
few fingers on the left hand and asked people how they managed when texting,

sighted people I mean. They said they used their thumb so I decided to give

it a go. No way, culd not and eventually settled for the left index. I am a Braille reader and I wonder if that helps with the sensativity in the left

index finger, after all that would have been my dominant reading finger, the

right hand as I was taught when learning Braille was more the guiding hand. In fact I make less mistakes with the qwerty than the numeric pad. Remember

I am a proficient typist too though a poor speller, hence my mistakes at
times and when sending an e-mail I am not inclined to run a spell check
through. Now I have a complete visual memory or mental memory of the layout

of a qwerty also.  How did I do it then?  I had to set aside maybe 10
minutes a day for about a week and would go in to a blank message and off I would go, in order to gain speed and confidence I just took off and did not
concentrate on accuracy.  This then gave me rhythm and speed, then I began
to slow down a little in favour of accuracy. I would think it took me about

3 days to get profecient.  After that sending messages, first a few words,
then a sentence and eventually a few sentences. With e-mail, I took a while

but I answer 90% of my e-mails now on the go!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Eleanor,  I couldn't agree more.
That's why I still like my N86.

May I ask what might be considered a strange question regarding Texting
on the E6.
For some reason only known to myself,  I  text  with the  Index finger of
lefthand whilst holding the  phone with my right.
Now when I was in my phone shop yesterday sorting out the Ovi screen that
kept coming up when turning the phone on,  I noted with much frustration
that the person who was doing this for me was  using the Qwerty keyboard
an amazing   rate.
So,  I wonder if  you could just let me know whether you text with either
one finger or a combination of fingers.
I realise that at the end of the day this is a purely individual thing but
am interested to try new techniques and as you say,  you are a  fast
on the E6.


-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 15 November 2011 10:30
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

OK Maurice, glad you were getting on good with Podcasts.  You will have

on the list today that I only cracked that one last night thanks to Denise
and Allan.  You will soon be an expert too now on the E6 and will be able

start advising *smile*. As for your effeciency with text messaging on the
E6, like ytou make the analagy with a new car.  With the new car, it is
unfamiliar at first but then you begin to do everything automatically.  I

very fast at texting on the E6 but then I have had practice with the E71

E72 which are phones you have not used.  I actually wanted to move away

the numerica keypad and the predictive text as I can find that a little
irritating at times though exceptionally fast when all is going well. The
camera is excellent on the E6 so maybe you should be making enquiries of
those who sell the scanning software you mention to see if anyone has
it out on the E6, or even better still you could always download a demo of
each and let us know how things go.  You will have read where Stephen
Gigger, a user of the N95 is a great believer in older technology that

and I could not agree more with Stephen as I too am the proud user of an

Standard with excellent speakers, keys clearly defined etc!!!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Hi Eleanor.
Now there's a question.
For me,  the N86 is like a reliable car that never or hardly breaks down
can do all the basic functions.
The E6 is to me like a suped  up  model  that can do all the older cars
do but with a lot of added extras and a lot faster.

Now let me put it in a different way if that's alright.

My Nokia N86 is a reliable phone and accept   for having to replace the
battery yesterday, has never broken down in the couple of years I've had
It does all that it says on the tin:
Makes and receives Calls, Sends emails, navigates the web, takes pictures
Now sending texts for me are really fast on the N86  becausew of it's
phone keypad.

However, I felt it was time to move onwards  and upwards to using
touchscreen technology as I like to keep up with what's around and don't
like being left behind.
So, I tried various other phones,  some Nokia  and others not.
I tried the Nokia E7 but couldn't get on with it's shape or the slide out
Qwerty keyboard.
I tried the Nokia N8 but found my ttexting was extremely eratic and took
too long.
So,  when I found out about the E6, I was very excited.
For me the E6 is a combination of the N86 and  Touch Screen technology.
The phone as you know has a navigation key which is just like the N86 as
well as buttons to  send and  answer calls as well as other functions.
Also,  I find the web access on the E6 much better and sites such as
work really well  playing music and downloading podcasts.  This I just
do on my N86.
So,  now I am in a bit of a quandary.
Do I go back to my  Old Faithful Reliable N86  and text fast but do
the latest   technology,  or,  do I bite the bullet and stick to my E6
which I really like but on which my texting is slower.

For the moment I'm going to stay with the E6.

Any help?

Maurice Press.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 14 November 2011 20:02
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

What advantages does the E6 have over the N86 Maurice?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Hi Eleanor,
Thanks so much for  both this email and the text.
I do sometimes log on over the weekend but try to get away from my PC
work during the Weekend.

Thanks for all your help and assistance here.
I have done all you've suggested and it works.

I will get a new battery for my N86 but feel that if I now concentrate
E6 as my first phone my texting will become much quicker and the phone
have a lot of advantages over the N86.

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 12 November 2011 11:49
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Well, my E6 is working Brilliantly.
My N86 actually broke down due to battery dying so I "had"  to use the
as my number 1 phone.  I guess that's the best way.

I disagree with you Morris.  Purchase a new battery for your N8.

Mobilefun Phone Accessories

08442 495060

1. I have put some shortcuts on my home screen - Sound Recorder,
Camera, Messaging and  BBC website.
Now when I Run my finger over the screen all the icons say when I come
them are "Icon" "Icon".
Is there a way of labelling them so they actually say what they are?


The object viewer. First when you decide you want to label icons you'll
probably want to turn on the graphics identifier first so you know what

to look for in the object viewer. To turn on graphics do talks lonf

the number 4. Then as you touch the screen or arrow over icons if they
aren't labeled with a name it will read the icon number which is

numbers and letters. There are 8 characters in an icon number.
Get to the object viewer by doing talks key followed by long pressing
center select button. It pops up with the screen that has both labeled
unlabeled icons on it. Arrow down through the list till you find the
number of the one you want to label. press select on it. it brings up
another little screen with text if there's text there and give the
on the screen and says role which is where you'd select if you want to
and change the role an object has. If not just keep arrowing down.
get to the icon again. press select and it takes you to the user

The icon number is in the existing field. Arrow down one and you get to
replacement field. Type in what you want the icon to say. Then arrow
and exit if you want the label to be global or arrow to the right if you
want it to be labeled in that program only.
I think you only want it to be in that programme  so you will want home
screen and not global,.  Then touch soft key one and save it. When
labeled what you want then touch the left soft key and it will return

the home screen.YOu turn off the graphics viewer by pressing talks long
umber 4 again.

2. I would like to make either Key 2  or the "Email" part of the key a
shortcut to messaging.    I have looked at the Shortcut keys but can't
out how to do this.  Can anyone explain for me please.

On the long keys on either side of the arrow keys there are two buttons
and bottom next to the left and right arrow key.
On the left the top is menu. You can't change this one.  It is a waste

soft key two takes you to the menu as well. under menu is the calendar
one-touch key. you can have two  shortcuts. A short press and long

the right of the right arrow there are two one-touch keys up an lower.

is the contact key under it is email or messaging key. These can each
two shortcuts assigned- short press and long press. You find them under
tools settings, phone, one-touch keys.

Settings 9 of 12.
Phone 3 of 7
one touch keys which is 9 of 11.
Now you are put in a list where there are just 3 items, namely, calandar
key, contacts key and messaging key.
Select messaging key as that is the one you asked about.
You now have another screen. The first option is short press messaging.
you want to alter this and have something else there in the short press
instead of messaging then select on this.  You will now be in a long
and you can choose from this.  On my phone I have then 60 options to
from.  It is possible to arrow down through all these 60 options.
Make your selection and exit by pressing soft key 2 on the screen,
right *smile*.  Re[eat this for the long press of the messaging key.

You can add other shortcuts to the home screen by editing the home
under the wigit catelogue.

3. When  writing a  text, how can I get the symbols up especially
apostrophe and Quotes.

A single quote is the Function Key, bottom right followed by the letter
Talks does not say single quote but if you write it and backspace Talks

say quote.
To bring up a list of punctuation and symbols you have to press the Cha

This key is obtained by pressing the Talks key twice. In Talks Training
Mode when you first press this key directly to the left of the spacebar
Talks announces Talks and then if you press it again in Training Mode
says Cha.  Now out of training Mode, when you hit this key twice, the
time you hit it, it will not say Ch but it will bring up the symbols.

right across the top row and then arrow down to the next row etc.  When
come across the symbol you want then select it using the select key. If

press soft key 2 on the screen you then get a list of emoticons but
does not recognise these so do not bother with them but do not be like
and press soft key 2 on the screen to exit the characters screen as this
not the way out.  The only Exit I have found is on selecting the
using the select that lies in the centre of all the arrow keys.  If I
made a mistake or do not want a particular key, I still select and get
out and then use the backspace to remove it.  Someone else can chip in
this one.

:4. Is it p possible without sight to move items up the menu.

I do not think so, Actually I have some useful vision and have tried

them but with no success.  I had an N97 Mini and this was possible
Think you had the N97 for a short time and ditto.  Again if someone can

in here that would be great.


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