Hi sir;
Can I get the spell checker also, for my nokia e5,
My email is:

Ramy Moustafa
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-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Maurice Press
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 7:33 AM
To: 'Talks Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

 Point well made Eleanor.

-----Original Message-----
From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] On
Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
Sent: 15 November 2011 15:13
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

Oh I do not think so Maurice though if you wre writing a word document then 
quick office have a spell dictionary I think.  I will look it out and if you

do not have it can send off list as the list will not accept attachments. 
What of a text though Maurice, just a few sentences and look at the lingo of

the young people today when sending texts.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.

> Oh Yes Eleanor,  interesting point you mention,  is it possible to
> spellcheck a text or am I talking total rubbish.
> Maurice.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com] 
> On
> Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
> Sent: 15 November 2011 11:23
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
> Maurice *smile*, I text with my left index finger while supporting the 
> phone
> with my right hand.  I know I am fast but I thought that was acceptable,
> when sighted people see me text they are amazed at my speed.  I ask: 
> 'Can't
> you text that fast?' and they say 'No'!  It is a spacial awareness thing.
> Of course when I first saw a qwerty keyboard on a phone, I was all over 
> the
> place, trying to text with both hands *smile* with the phone on my knee 
> but
> how practical is that when I am walking around the park?!  Then I tried a
> few fingers on the left hand and asked people how they managed when 
> texting,
> sighted people I mean.  They said they used their thumb so I decided to 
> give
> it a go.  No way, culd not and eventually settled for the left index.  I 
> am
> a Braille reader and I wonder if that helps with the sensativity in the 
> left
> index finger, after all that would have been my dominant reading finger, 
> the
> right hand as I was taught when learning Braille was more the guiding 
> hand.
> In fact I make less mistakes with the qwerty than the numeric pad. 
> Remember
> I am a proficient typist too though a poor speller, hence my mistakes at
> times and when sending an e-mail I am not inclined to run a spell check
> through.  Now I have a complete visual memory or mental memory of the 
> layout
> of a qwerty also.  How did I do it then?  I had to set aside maybe 10
> minutes a day for about a week and would go in to a blank message and off 
> I
> would go, in order to gain speed and confidence I just took off and did 
> not
> concentrate on accuracy.  This then gave me rhythm and speed, then I began
> to slow down a little in favour of accuracy.  I would think it took me 
> about
> 3 days to get profecient.  After that sending messages, first a few words,
> then a sentence and eventually a few sentences.  With e-mail, I took a 
> while
> but I answer 90% of my e-mails now on the go!
> Eleanor
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 11:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>> Eleanor,  I couldn't agree more.
>> That's why I still like my N86.
>> May I ask what might be considered a strange    question regarding 
>> Texting
>> on the E6.
>> For some reason only known to myself,  I  text  with the  Index finger of
>> my
>> lefthand whilst holding the  phone with my right.
>> Now when I was in my phone shop yesterday sorting out the Ovi screen 
>> that
>> kept coming up when turning the phone on,  I noted with much frustration
>> that the person who was doing this for me was  using the Qwerty keyboard
>> at
>> an amazing   rate.
>> So,  I wonder if  you could just let me know whether you text with either
>> one finger or a combination of fingers.
>> I realise that at the end of the day this is a purely individual thing 
>> but
>> am interested to try new techniques and as you say,  you are a  fast
>> texter
>> on the E6.
>> Maurice.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
>> On
>> Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>> Sent: 15 November 2011 10:30
>> To: Talks Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>> OK Maurice, glad you were getting on good with Podcasts.  You will have
>> read
>> on the list today that I only cracked that one last night thanks to 
>> Denise
>> and Allan.  You will soon be an expert too now on the E6 and will be able
>> to
>> start advising *smile*.  As for your effeciency with text messaging on 
>> the
>> E6, like ytou make the analagy with a new car.  With the new car, it is
>> unfamiliar at first but then you begin to do everything automatically.  I
>> am
>> very fast at texting on the E6 but then I have had practice with the E71
>> and
>> E72 which are phones you have not used.  I actually wanted to move away
>> from
>> the numerica keypad and the predictive text as I can find that a little
>> irritating at times though exceptionally fast when all is going well. 
>> The
>> camera is excellent on the E6 so maybe you should be making enquiries of
>> those who sell the scanning software you mention to see if anyone has
>> tried
>> it out on the E6, or even better still you could always download a demo 
>> of
>> each and let us know how things go.  You will have read where Stephen
>> Gigger, a user of the N95 is a great believer in older technology that
>> works
>> and I could not agree more with Stephen as I too am the proud user of an
>> N95
>> Standard with excellent speakers, keys clearly defined etc!!!
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
>> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:30 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>>> Hi Eleanor.
>>> Now there's a question.
>>> For me,  the N86 is like a reliable car that never or hardly breaks down
>>> and
>>> can do all the basic functions.
>>> The E6 is to me like a suped  up  model  that can do all the older cars
>>> can
>>> do but with a lot of added extras and a lot faster.
>>> Now let me put it in a different way if that's alright.
>>> My Nokia N86 is a reliable phone and accept   for having to replace the
>>> battery yesterday,  has never broken down in the couple of years I've 
>>> had
>>> it.
>>> It does all that it says on the tin:
>>> Makes and receives Calls, Sends emails, navigates the web, takes 
>>> pictures
>>> ETC.
>>> Now sending texts for me are really fast on the N86  becausew of it's
>>> usual
>>> phone keypad.
>>> However, I felt it was time to move onwards  and upwards to using
>>> touchscreen technology as I like to keep up with what's around and don't
>>> like being left behind.
>>> So, I tried various other phones,  some Nokia  and others not.
>>> I tried the Nokia E7 but couldn't get on with it's shape or the slide 
>>> out
>>> Qwerty keyboard.
>>> I tried the Nokia N8 but found my ttexting was extremely eratic and took
>>> me
>>> too long.
>>> So,  when I found out about the E6, I was very excited.
>>> For me the E6 is a combination of the N86 and  Touch Screen technology.
>>> The phone as you know has a navigation key which is just like the N86 as
>>> well as buttons to  send and  answer calls as well as other functions.
>>> Also,  I find the web access on the E6 much better and sites such as
>>> youtube
>>> work really well  playing music and downloading podcasts.  This I just
>>> can't
>>> do on my N86.
>>> So,  now I am in a bit of a quandary.
>>> Do I go back to my  Old Faithful Reliable N86  and text fast but do
>>> without
>>> the latest   technology,  or,  do I bite the bullet and stick to my E6
>>> which I really like but on which my texting is slower.
>>> For the moment I'm going to stay with the E6.
>>> Any help?
>>> Maurice Press.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
>>> On
>>> Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>>> Sent: 14 November 2011 20:02
>>> To: Talks Mailing List
>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>>> What advantages does the E6 have over the N86 Maurice?
>>> Eleanor
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Maurice Press" <mauricepr...@enterprise.net>
>>> To: "'Talks Mailing List'" <talks@talksusers.com>
>>> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 9:28 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>>>> Hi Eleanor,
>>>> Thanks so much for  both this email and the text.
>>>> I do sometimes log on over the weekend but try to get away from my PC
>>>> and
>>>> work during the Weekend.
>>>> Thanks for all your help and assistance here.
>>>> I have done all you've suggested and it works.
>>>> I will get a new battery for my N86 but feel that if I now concentrate
>>>> on
>>>> my
>>>> E6 as my first phone my texting will become much quicker and the phone
>>>> does
>>>> have a lot of advantages over the N86.
>>>> Thanks again.
>>>> Maurice.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: talks-boun...@talksusers.com 
>>>> [mailto:talks-boun...@talksusers.com]
>>>> On
>>>> Behalf Of Eleanor Burke
>>>> Sent: 12 November 2011 11:49
>>>> To: Talks Mailing List
>>>> Subject: Re: [Talks] Various E6 questions.
>>>> Well, my E6 is working Brilliantly.
>>>> My N86 actually broke down due to battery dying so I "had"  to use the
>>>> E6
>>>> as my number 1 phone.  I guess that's the best way.
>>>> Answer
>>>> I disagree with you Morris.  Purchase a new battery for your N8.
>>>> Mobilefun Phone Accessories
>>>> 08442 495060
>>>> www.mobilefun.co.uk
>>>> 1. I have put some shortcuts on my home screen - Sound Recorder,
>>>> Camera, Messaging and  BBC website.
>>>> Now when I Run my finger over the screen all the icons say when I come
>>>> to
>>>> them are "Icon" "Icon".
>>>> Is there a way of labelling them so they actually say what they are?
>>>> Answer
>>>> The object viewer. First when you decide you want to label icons you'll
>>>> probably want to turn on the graphics identifier first so you know what
>>>> icon
>>>> to look for in the object viewer. To turn on graphics do talks lonf
>>>> press
>>>> of
>>>> the number 4. Then as you touch the screen or arrow over icons if they
>>>> aren't labeled with a name it will read the icon number which is
>>>> composed
>>>> of
>>>> numbers and letters. There are 8 characters in an icon number.
>>>> Get to the object viewer by doing talks key followed by long pressing
>>>> the
>>>> center select button. It pops up with the screen that has both labeled
>>>> and
>>>> unlabeled icons on it. Arrow down through the list till you find the
>>>> icon
>>>> number of the one you want to label. press select on it. it brings up
>>>> another little screen with text if there's text there and give the
>>>> location
>>>> on the screen and says role which is where you'd select if you want to
>>>> try
>>>> and change the role an object has. If not just keep arrowing down.
>>>> You'll
>>>> get to the icon again. press select and it takes you to the user
>>>> dictionary.
>>>> The icon number is in the existing field. Arrow down one and you get to
>>>> the
>>>> replacement field. Type in what you want the icon to say. Then arrow
>>>> down
>>>> and exit if you want the label to be global or arrow to the right if 
>>>> you
>>>> want it to be labeled in that program only.
>>>> I think you only want it to be in that programme  so you will want home
>>>> screen and not global,.  Then touch soft key one and save it. When
>>>> you've
>>>> labeled what you want then touch the left soft key and it will return
>>>> you
>>>> to
>>>> the home screen.YOu turn off the graphics viewer by pressing talks long
>>>> umber 4 again.
>>>> 2. I would like to make either Key 2  or the "Email" part of the key a
>>>> shortcut to messaging.    I have looked at the Shortcut keys but can't
>>>> work
>>>> out how to do this.  Can anyone explain for me please.
>>>> Answer
>>>> On the long keys on either side of the arrow keys there are two buttons
>>>> top
>>>> and bottom next to the left and right arrow key.
>>>> On the left the top is menu. You can't change this one.  It is a waste
>>>> since
>>>> soft key two takes you to the menu as well. under menu is the calendar
>>>> one-touch key. you can have two  shortcuts. A short press and long
>>>> press.
>>>> to
>>>> the right of the right arrow there are two one-touch keys up an lower.
>>>> Upper
>>>> is the contact key under it is email or messaging key. These can each
>>>> have
>>>> two shortcuts assigned- short press and long press. You find them under
>>>> tools settings, phone, one-touch keys.
>>>> Settings 9 of 12.
>>>> Phone 3 of 7
>>>> one touch keys which is 9 of 11.
>>>> Now you are put in a list where there are just 3 items, namely, 
>>>> calandar
>>>> key, contacts key and messaging key.
>>>> Select messaging key as that is the one you asked about.
>>>> You now have another screen. The first option is short press messaging.
>>>> If
>>>> you want to alter this and have something else there in the short press
>>>> instead of messaging then select on this.  You will now be in a long
>>>> list
>>>> and you can choose from this.  On my phone I have then 60 options to
>>>> choose
>>>> from.  It is possible to arrow down through all these 60 options.
>>>> Make your selection and exit by pressing soft key 2 on the screen,
>>>> bottom
>>>> right *smile*.  Re[eat this for the long press of the messaging key.
>>>> You can add other shortcuts to the home screen by editing the home
>>>> screen
>>>> under the wigit catelogue.
>>>> 3. When  writing a  text, how can I get the symbols up especially
>>>> apostrophe and Quotes.
>>>> Answer
>>>> A single quote is the Function Key, bottom right followed by the letter
>>>> l.
>>>> Talks does not say single quote but if you write it and backspace Talks
>>>> will
>>>> say quote.
>>>> To bring up a list of punctuation and symbols you have to press the Cha
>>>> key.
>>>> This key is obtained by pressing the Talks key twice.  In Talks 
>>>> Training
>>>> Mode when you first press this key directly to the left of the spacebar
>>>> Talks announces Talks and then if you press it again in Training Mode
>>>> Talks
>>>> says Cha.  Now out of training Mode, when you hit this key twice, the
>>>> 2nd
>>>> time you hit it, it will not say Ch but it will bring up the symbols.
>>>> Arrow
>>>> right across the top row and then arrow down to the next row etc.  When
>>>> you
>>>> come across the symbol you want then select it using the select key. 
>>>> If
>>>> you
>>>> press soft key 2 on the screen you then get a list of emoticons but
>>>> Talks
>>>> does not recognise these so do not bother with them but do not be like
>>>> me
>>>> and press soft key 2 on the screen to exit the characters screen as 
>>>> this
>>>> is
>>>> not the way out.  The only Exit I have found is on selecting the
>>>> character
>>>> using the select that lies in the centre of all the arrow keys.  If I
>>>> have
>>>> made a mistake or do not want a particular key, I still select and get
>>>> back
>>>> out and then use the backspace to remove it.  Someone else can chip in
>>>> on
>>>> this one.
>>>> :4. Is it p possible without sight to move items up the menu.
>>>> Answer
>>>> I do not think so, Actually I have some useful vision and have tried
>>>> movjing
>>>> them but with no success.  I had an N97 Mini and this was possible
>>>> before.
>>>> Think you had the N97 for a short time and ditto.  Again if someone can
>>>> chip
>>>> in here that would be great.
>>>> Eleanor
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