Hi All.
Well, my E6 is working Brilliantly.
 My N86 actually broke down due to battery dying so I "had"  to use the E6
as my number 1 phone.  I guess that's the best way.

Anyway,  I have a couple of questions if anyone can assist.
1.       I have put some shortcuts on my home screen - Sound Recorder,
Camera, Messaging and  BBC website.
 Now when I Run my finger over the screen all the icons say when I come to
them are "Icon" "Icon".
 Is there a way of labelling them so they actually say what they are?

2.       I would like to make either Key 2  or the "Email" part of the key a
shortcut to messaging.    I have looked at the Shortcut keys but can't work
out how to do this.  Can anyone explain for me please.

3.       When  writing a  text, how can I get the symbols up especially
apostrophe and Quotes.

 And finally:
4.      Is it p possible without sight to move items up the menu.


Maurice Press.

Yours Sincerely
Maurice Press
Managing Director of the Disability Resource Team.

Tel: 020 8943 0022
Mobile: 07778 526722.

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