Hi Maurice.
I would consider the Nokia N86 8MP and other Symbian-based phones to be "smartphones", since they do more than just make and receive calls and send and receive texts. The Nokia N86 8MP and other phones can be used with the latest Talks, 5.20.3. In fact, this latest version is recommended for the N86 8MP since it resolves a memory full issue that occured previously. Yes I am using the Nokia N86 8MP with huge success, much better than even the N73.
Take care.

Chris Hallsworth

On 14/03/2011 10:08, Maurice Press wrote:
   Hi All,
Apologies if this subject has already been covered but wonder if someone can
give me a couple of pieces of information.

Firstly,  Which phones ar considered  to be the Nokia Smart Phones.

Secondly,  does anyone use one with success.
And Thirdly,  can they be used with the latest Talks.

Maurice Press.

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