Hi, Folks! Regarding Ovi Maps and not being able to download them, I got up on the Nokia Web site, went to the Accessibility link, and then went to the Vision link.

First, overall, it was nice to see a story of a woman using Ovi Maps to navigate, but nothing about full accessibility. That is, sure, we can use the maps, but only online, given how accessible Ovi Suite is NOT.

Second, on the main Web site under software support, it''s mentioned that PC Suite will be replaced by Ovi Suite, which, as we know, is currently inaccessible to screenreaders on the PC.

Finally, Ovi Store also seems to be inaccessible. Could actually make use of that app if it was accessible.

My question is: has anyone contacted Nokia regarding the accessibility issues, and if so, has there been any feeback from them? If no one has brought the accessibility issue to Nokia's attention, is there anyone in Support who we could contact? Thanks in advance for any ideas regarding this matter.--Matthew Chao

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