
My uk internet supplier would not take my phone back or replace it as I had
used it. How I was going to find out it was not compatible with Talks
without trying it I don't know.

I have now bought another C5 from a different supplier and got a UK phone.

All now works as it should, as far as I have noticed so far.

That makes it quite an expensive phone. 

Now I need to spend another £50 to transfer my Talks licence.

This is good fun isn't it. 
Spending so much money just to be able to use a phone in the same way that
others do.

No, that is not a dig at the Talks suppliers; I fully understand that they
need to run a business in a small market place.

It is just a dig at the sloping playing field that we blind people have to

Regards, John

John Farley

        Personal Contact              Work contact 
Phone : 01442 259243             01442 227731
VOIPe : 01442 895132
Mobile: 07815 056076             07785 928755
Fax   :                                             01442 227601
E-Mail: j.far...@btinternet.com       john.far...@saic.com

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