By having it un muted while on a call will then allow you to do everything on 
the phone without having to do it when you want it. The only downside i can 
think of at least for me is you will not hear the battery low tone but Talks 
will read the message for you and then reread the call screen again and again 
until the phone battery goes dead. So you may or may not want to hear this time 
and time again and again when the battery is going dead while on a call. Also 
if you are like me and you try to keep track of your call time, you may not be 
able to do that with Talks un mutede. The reason why is you will have to  wait 
to hear battery low or battery empty recharge and by the time you may hear 
battery empty, the phone may have already stopped working. Some of this will 
depend on the speed you have the phone set to.

Produced on a Nokia N95 smart phone using a Symbian based screen reader.
Signed by: Stephen Giggar
Skype: dr-phone.

Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works
No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design

-original message-
Subject: Re: [Talks] advantage of Using talks, wile speaking on the phone
From: "john R. Vaughn" <>
Date: 26/10/2010 8:44 AM

But if I change the setting on the phone in the Talks advanced tab, I can
check the item for never mute.
Is that a problem or a disadvantage I am not aware of?

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of chris hallsworth
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 9:36 AM
To: Talks Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Talks] advantage of Using talks, wile speaking on the phone

I am not Steven, but let me say I find using Talks on a call has many 
advantages over disadvantages. The main advantage of course is you can 
use the phone just like you can outside a call. Another great advantage 
is even though you can hear Talks at your end, the other person can't. 
The disadvantage though is that by default Talks is always muted inside 
a call. So you need to remember to unmute it before you can use your 
phone with Talks giving the feedbac.

Signed by Chris Hallsworth

On 26/10/2010 14:32, john R. Vaughn wrote:
> Stephen,
> another great tip.
> If you unmute talks on a call, can you,  access your phone directory for
> example, to give someone a phone number?
> Any other advantages?
> Are there any downfalls to making this change?
> I know you are busy and I appreciate any thoughts and so please, you can
> concise.
> thank you.
> John in sunny florida
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Behalf Of Stephen Giggar
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 5:51 AM
> To: Talks Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Using talks, wile speaking on the phone
> chagne
> To have Talks automatically unmute while on a call, press Talks release it
> and then press and hold SoftKey1 for about 1 second. This will bring up
> Talks settings. Now press Right arrow to get to the advanced Tab of Talks.
> You may need to do this twice. When you are on the advanced Tab of Talks,
> press Up Arrow. The last thing here is the setting to Mute during a call.
> The default is to always mute during a call. Press Select to change it.
> Arrow to the option you want and press select. Now press SoftKey2 to exit
> and save your changes. Now you can make a call and Talks should unmute
> itself during a call based on your change. This is asooming that you ahve
> Talks 5.00.3 and or Talks 5.01.1.
> Signed: Stephen Giggar
> Skype: dr-phone.
> Hardware eventually fails, software eventually works.
> No amount of bandwidth can fix poor design.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "chris hallsworth"<>
> To: "Talks Mailing List"<>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 4:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [Talks] Using talks, wile speaking on the phone
>> It sure can be done. By default Talks is muted in a call. To unmute press
>> the Talks key along with the clear key. As of the Talks 5.x series you
>> customize whether Talks should be muted in the first place and if so how
>> long before it's muted.
>> Chris H
>> You can contact me in the following ways:
>> E-mail and Facebook:
>> MSN:
>> Skype: chrishallsworth7266
>> Blog:
>> On 26/10/2010 10:04, Francois Neethling wrote:
>>> Good day to all
>>> I am new to the list and find it quite interesting.
>>> Is there someone that mite be able to guide me on how to move around in
>>> my menu's and or contacts with talks, wile speaking on the phone?
>>> I know that on my previase cell, with mobile speech, it could be dun.
>>> Yours in faith
>>> chagne Neethling
>>> (W) +27 12 3155434 / (F) 0866225407 / 082 3200498
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>>> which can be viewed at:
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