
On 18/11/2024 14:00, brecht devriese wrote:

> So it is normal that it cannot be found in taginfo as it has never been used before

This actually isn't normal.

One of the reasons that OSM got to where it is today, leaving numerous other "free map" competitors by the roadside, is that people mapping things in their neighbourhood don't need to go through some "tag approval" process for a new thing that they have just seen, they can just make up a tag and continue mapping. Later, if it turns out that a better tag is already in use elsewhere for exactly the same thing, it's easy to change the tag the tag they used to the more popular one.

There's a wiki page all about the process: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Any_tags_you_like .

> Meanwhile, I have used this tag for 4 objects, so this tag now does show up in taginfo.

That's great - https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1UkZ - that's how new tags get established in OSM.  Of the people voting one person (not me) has objected to the tag on philosophical grounds, based on what should and what should not be in OSM, and one person (me) thinks that "voting" for this sort of very low-use tag introduces a level of bureaucracy that is unhelpful to OSM as an ongoing project.

Of course, it makes total sense to discuss your suggested new tag (as you did at https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/rfc-proposal-of-tag-virtual-tour-url/120965 ).  Different people have different views about how much discussion and how much "tag approval" bureaucracy there should be; that's absolutely fine.  It doesn't mean that some people are "wrong" if they disagree with you (or me) about some things; I've been wrong about plenty of things in the past and I'm sure you have too.

Best Regards,


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