Le 14.06.23 à 09:26, Florian Lohoff a écrit :
source=<node, way, relation> - Original object we like to reach
not source=* ! we already have 3 meanings for it :
- how was the data acquired (for ex source=survey)
- the context of a data (for ex source:maxspeed=urban)
- the primary energy (for ex generator:source=solar)
maybe for=* / destination=*
your idea could be used for POIs where the parking lot isn't
in front of the door
but if your house is marked with a path to the door, it's obvious
that this is the path that should be proposed and any
"not-using-an-existing-highway=*" should have a gig penality to be used only
when the last highway=* is missing
for the example 1 you give seems to me to be more of a problem
1) misuse of the private tag: not only can you walk past the barrier,
but if you want people to go to the barrier and then continue by car to
their destination, then it would probably be better to put
motor_vehicle=destination in the way
2) penalty for no highway=* too low: crossing the forest should
be much more penalizing than using the private road.
3) bad penality for =destination and =private
very fun... but i didn't see why the routing do that
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