On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 09:47:28AM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
> "navaid" may not be the best term since it is used in aviation for actual
> physical installations that help with navigations, like radio beacons or
> lights.

Yeah - i know - call it "navigational_hint" or something. 
> I am also concerned about the verifiability; is there not a danger that
> people will disagree about what the "best" way is to reach something?
I am open to anything which solves the issue. With more and better data
more of these problems crop up that we, be having only a very
rudimentary generalized approach to mapping pois/addresses to the road
network, make pretty broken assumptions.

So sooner than later we need a more fine-grained controlled approach to 
letting the navigation know where to get us to.

> Have you considered to, instead of using a relation that links sources and
> destinations (and btw I'd swap the terms in your examples) simply placing a
> node on the street network that is tagged as an "access point" for a certain
> address, without the relation and all?

The issue is - do i replicate the POIs information or the Address to the
node on the road network. How do i tell the automatism to prefer the
node on the road network?

I am open to a solution.

In 2019 i had further examples e.g. for big malls which have multiple
parking lots we may have more than one relation - So you search for
e.g. "Frankfurt Airport" and a Menu pops up shows you 
"Parking lot A", "Parking lot B" as destinations for going to "Frankfurt
Airport". This is why i wanted a "name" in the relation.

Florian Lohoff                                                     f...@zz.de
  Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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