just my 2 cents:
in some parts of the world it wouldn't be a cross, but something else (in
most of middle-east, in the non-western countries...)


Il giorno lun 12 giu 2023 alle ore 08:13 Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <
tagging@openstreetmap.org> ha scritto:

> In Poland many of them are small crosses without any text or description
> so it is not entirely obvious why they were placed (though you can guess
> quite reliably).
> Jun 11, 2023, 14:31 by annekadis...@web.de:
> I would think that they are still memorials, if they commemorate an
> accident or suicide.
> I'm not aware of terribly many use cases for man_made=cross, maybe at open
> air church service locations or along stations of the cross.
> Food for thought, anyway.
> Anne
> On 11/06/2023 10:29, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:
> I typically tagged such crosses as man_made=cross
> historic=memorial memorial=cross man_made=cross ?
> Jun 11, 2023, 02:27 by annekadis...@web.de:
> A historic=wayside_cross does not mark the spot; it is not left in a
> location where someone is buried or died. It is a way to make sure the
> soul of the deceased gets into heaven easier by having passers by pray
> for the soul. You don't have to believe in it, but that's what people
> believed back then (and maybe some still do).
> note that it is not the only reason for placing them
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