In Poland many of them are small crosses without any text or description
so it is not entirely obvious why they were placed (though you can guess 
quite reliably).

Jun 11, 2023, 14:31 by

> I would think that they are still memorials, if they commemorate      an 
> accident or suicide.
> I'm not aware of terribly many use cases for man_made=cross,      maybe at 
> open air church service locations or along stations of      the cross.
> Food for thought, anyway.
> Anne
> On 11/06/2023 10:29, Mateusz Konieczny      via Tagging wrote:
>> I typically tagged such crosses as man_made=cross
>> historic=memorial memorial=cross man_made=cross ?
>> Jun 11, 2023, 02:27 by >>>> :
>>> A historic=wayside_cross does not mark the spot; it is not          left in 
>>> a
>>> location where someone is buried or died. It is a way to          make sure 
>>> the
>>> soul of the deceased gets into heaven easier by having          passers by 
>>> pray
>>> for the soul. You don't have to believe in it, but that's          what 
>>> people
>>> believed back then (and maybe some still do).
>> note that it is not the only reason for placing        them
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