António Madeira <>:

> The main issue is not closed water tanks. That can be a default in OSM.
> The issue here is how to inform that a storage_tank is open.
> Mind you that there is an infinitude of storage tanks types, but for
> firefighting, those are almost exclusively made in concrete and are open
> for the reasons I stated before.
> In my opinion, the cover=* key is the most adequate in these situations,
> because there's no way to define what the roof/coverage of these storage
> tanks would be if they had one.
> Stating that a an emergency storage tank is covered=no informs that it can
> be accessible from above.
> If, for example, we state that it has a roof=no, you're defining a
> specific kind of covering, when it has none and you have no way to know if
> that would be a roof, a tarp, a shed, etc

Maybe *storage_tank=open *or similar.

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