Às 07:59 de 03/02/2023, Warin escreveu:
In my opinion, the cover=* key is the most adequate in these
situations, because there's no way to define what the roof/coverage of
these storage tanks would be if they had one.
Stating that a an emergency storage tank is covered=no informs that
it can be accessible from above.
If, for example, we state that it has a roof=no, you're defining a
specific kind of covering, when it has none and you have no way to
know if that would be a roof, a tarp, a shed, etc.
All the tanks on the OSM wijki page for man_made=storage_tank are
covered ..
That's probably because this conversation never happened in the OSM
community, or maybe because open storage tanks are not common and were
not considered to be included in this tag.
Anyway, that shouldn't impede us to try and come up with an acceptable
solution to this problem.
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