Hi all,
I'm going to try to summarize some of my thoughts / findings on this
issue thanks to all the helpful feedback here so far.
I took a good look through (randomish sample) everything tagged
shop=wool <https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1pJG>, and in particular those
with websites. It does seem like these are almost entirely shops selling
yarn, though I did find at least one that wasn't but was also a
plausible "wool" shop with no yarn: https://www.eaglewools.com.au/
For the most part, I'm happy to have found a somewhat more established
tag that basically matches what I was proposing here
Though as I and some others have noted, I think the primary thing here
is that the shop sells /yarn/ (and knitting etc supplies), regardless of
whether the yarn is made of wool or silk or hemp or eyelashes or
whatever. Is "wool shop" a British English thing? I (North American)
really hadn't heard of that before this and would have called this a
"yarn shop" or "knitting shop". I even found that language on some
English language websites I looked at.
Random aside: The Polish(?) wiki page
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pl:Tag:shop%3Dwool> for shop=wool
does seem to mention yarn and knitting directly.
Anyway, if there is consensus that `shop=wool` is an accepted tag for a
store selling /yarn/, I'm happy to list `shop=yarn` as a deprecated
tagging on that page and proceed with shop=wool.
With all that in mind, I went ahead and edited the (English) wiki pages
for shop=[ wool, sewing, haberdashery, fabric ] to try and more clearly
separate and identify these. For the moment, the difference between a
sewing shop and a haberdashery is still unclear to me; is a sewing shop
just a haberdashery that also has some sewing machines and/or fabric?
...but that can be a conversation for another day.
Let me restate some assumptions for the sake of debate:
* shop=wool is a shop that sells yarn, even if there is no literal wool
on premises
* a shop selling nothing but wool fabric is shop=fabric (stores do
specialize in wool suiting)
* a shop selling nothing but wool clothes is shop=clothes
Nate Wessel
Cartographer, Planner, Transport Nerd
NateWessel.com <https://www.natewessel.com>
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