shop=wool <> ... this seems like almost exactly what I'm proposing. And is used much more frequently <> than shop=yarn.

And yet for me, I never even thought to search for this. And the word 'yarn' doesn't actually appear anywhere on the page or it would have shown up in my searches of the wiki.

It's also not referenced anywhere on the shop=sewing <> page, which explicitly mentions knitting needles, etc. Nor on the shop=fabric <> nor shop=haberdashery <> pages.

It seems like maybe the real problem here is that the various tags related to the "fibre-arts" aren't all that well documented yet and not at all well cross-referenced. Would anyone object to an attempt to better cross-reference and distinguish these categories?

In particular it seems to me like shop=wool should encompass things like knitting needles, and specify that it would be selling (wool) yarn, and not wool fabric as that would fall under shop=fabric.

I would also want to drop references to yarn and knitting needles from shop=sewing, pointing to shop=wool for that.

It seems like shop=haberdashery and shop=sewing need some further discussion, as they seem almost impossible to distinguish from the wiki documentation. Personally, I always thought of a haberdashery as a hat shop?? I somehow hadn't even heard of that tag before this discussion.


Nate Wessel
Cartographer, Planner, Transport Nerd <>

On 2023-01-03 07:51, Philip Barnes wrote:
Shops selling wool are commonly referred to as wool shops so why not shop=wool?

Yarn doesn't seem very intuitive to me as a native English speaker.

Phil (trigpoint)

On 2 January 2023 17:14:28 GMT, Nate Wessel <> wrote:

    Howdy y'all,

    I am proposing to make official a tag that is already in use to
    some degree, *shop=yarn*, for shops that primarily sell yarn and
    other knitting/crochet supplies. Currently the wiki has these
    falling under shop=sewing. As a long-time sewer who has recently
    taken up knitting, I can say with confidence that these are very
    different things; though sometimes larger stores will sell both.

    Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.


    Nate Wessel
    Cartographer, Planner, Transport Nerd <>

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