Jan 3, 2023, 15:16 by n...@natewessel.com:

> shop=wool <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dwool>>  ... this 
> seems like almost exactly what I'm proposing. And is used      much > more 
> frequently <https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1pEi>>  than      shop=yarn. 
> And yet for me, I never even thought to search for this. And the      word 
> 'yarn' doesn't actually appear anywhere on the page or it      would have 
> shown up in my searches of the wiki. 
Added in 

> It's also not referenced anywhere on the > shop=sewing 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dsewing>>  page, which 
> explicitly mentions knitting needles, etc. Nor on the > shop=fabric 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dfabric>>  nor > 
> shop=haberdashery 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Ashop%3Dhaberdashery>>  pages. 
Feel free to add them to "See also" section!

> It seems like maybe the real problem here is that the various      tags 
> related to the "fibre-arts" aren't all that well documented      yet and not 
> at all well cross-referenced. Would anyone object to      an attempt to 
> better cross-reference and distinguish these      categories? 
No, and in general feel free to add such "see also" 
(except cases like linking barely used controversial tags, but this does not 
apply here)

> In particular it seems to me like shop=wool should encompass      things like 
> knitting needles, and specify that it would be selling      (wool) yarn, and 
> not wool fabric as that would fall under      shop=fabric. 
> I would also want to drop references to yarn and knitting needles      from 
> shop=sewing, pointing to shop=wool for that. 
> It seems like shop=haberdashery and shop=sewing need some further      
> discussion, as they seem almost impossible to distinguish from the      wiki 
> documentation.
Note that maybe they are effectively duplicates with the same meaning in 
And in such cases OSM Wiki should not pretend that there is some systematic 
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