This proposal, its history, its present and its future I find extremely 
confusing.  It is enough for me to vote it down because it needs to be started 
from scratch (the proposal itself, not the voting on what is now too confusing 
a proposal).  If we are re-voting, I'm not even sure I can find my way to vote 
"I oppose" on this.

I don't mean to be unkind, I mean to be un-confused (and I'm not there yet).

What Frederik says about individual flowers and that the wiki says so, yeah I 
get that and I agree, yet, it's all so confusing.  Well, the way things are 
written now they are confusing.

This "fully needs a re-write," if you ask me.  The concept of "historic" IS 
complicated:  we don't need it to be MORE complicated, in fact, "the simpler 
the better" (often, though not always true — if a bit of structure and 
complexity truly solves things, OK).
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