On Nov 20, 2022, at 1:22 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Technically energy = power x time, so related things but not the same.

Thank you; that’s the simple answer to clear up any potentially remaining 
confusion.  Whether it does or not...

> Utilities would not only be energy/power (electric, gas, oil, coal and wood) 
> providers but also garbage collection, sewage, water, phone, cable TV and 
> internet.

Yes, this is well-stated.  And this varies a great deal around the world.  Some 
municipalities / jurisdictions offer zero, one, multiple or “all available” 
such utilities, others allow a competitive marketplace that allows a choice of 
things for, say, Internet (or wired telephone), but there may or may not be a 
choice of water, sewage or garbage.  A municipality may offer one or some 
services via a “franchise” agreement (with a cable TV operator, for example),  
There is a big universe of possibilities, and it is folly for OSM to try to 
cram all of these into a “one size fits all” tagging scheme.  This is true even 
for the “office” where, say, payments are taken, service is established, 
equipment is furnished / exchanged (e.g. a cable TV box), etc.

> So a second tag of 
> utility=electric/gas/oil/coal/wood/garbage_collection/sewage/water/phone/cable_tv/internet/*
>  semi colin delimited for multiple values... ???

In fact, I can imagine a variety of tags that describe much (approaching or 
even achieving?) all of this:


Those aren’t necessarily the exact tags OSM might eventually settle upon, but 
they do indicate what’s possible.  Again, it’s a pretty big universe, as 
“utilities” encompass more than power / energy, and there are a vast number of 
ways to “deal with customers at an office.”  (There’s the office itself, what 
sort of services are available, when/whether it is staffed (it may be simply a 
drop-box for payment), what sort of services and payments are exchanged…).

> On 20/11/22 10:49, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> On 18 Nov 2022, at 22:35, Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> In a nearby city to where I live, the city owned utility provides 
>>> electricity, water, sewer, and internet.
>> yes, it is also common in areas I know to have a single provider for water, 
>> sewer, waste disposal and even local public transport. Maybe we should have 
>> a generic term for these kinds of offices and specify with additional tags 
>> the kind of services?
> office=government???

Sometimes it is a government office (often at a municipal level, or, say 
admin_level=6,7,8), sometimes not.  These might be “monopoly” providers, and 
there doesn’t seem anything wrong with that:  I mean, how many different 
companies/jurisdictions are really needed to manage sewage in a given area?  
Sometimes it is a private company (like one mobile phone service vs. another).  
Without going too broad and beyond “power” (energy), this missive attempts to 
sketch the outline of a possible tagging scheme for “utilities” in general.  
This would be a fairly rich (complex) scheme if/as it were to encompass all of 
the sorts of “utility offices” there are around the world.  It would logically 
be sensible to broaden from simply “utility office” to encompass both the 
“office” component, the “utility” component and perhaps more.  But those two 
are rich enough to provide both a good start and much food for thought of a big 
tagging scheme.
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