> What evidence do you have that is the case? What is being provided
is energy, not power.
From Cambridge dictionary:
power - electricity, especially when considering its use or production
energy - the power from something such as electricity or oil that can do
work, such as providing light and heat
From Meram-Webster
power - a source or means of supplying energy
energy - usable power (such as heat or electricity)
> ...and if we mean electricity, why not use that in the tag?
Because the current value has been documented by someone in 2016 when it
had about 100 uses or less.
> A more general issue is that often utilities provide more than one
service. Xcel, which operates in parts of the US, provides both
electricity and natural gas (the latter which is technically energy
too). In a nearby city to where I live, the city owned utility provides
electricity, water, sewer, and internet.
> That's something which is not common in Europe. The only close such
case is an power company (EVN) which operates power infrastructure,
heating infrastructure and sells power in the same area but these
activities are separated in subsidiaries. Is that the case in the US or
Xcel does not have subsidiaries for the different economic activities?
> There is no subsidiary.
Then using office=utility + utility=gas;power might be a good idea. What
do you think?
On 18/11/2022 23:51, Mike Thompson wrote:
On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 2:46 PM Dimitar <osm.dimitar...@gmail.com> wrote:
Energy and power are used quite interchangeably and power is the
better word for it.
What evidence do you have that is the case? What is being provided is
energy, not power.
...and if we mean electricity, why not use that in the tag?
> A more general issue is that often utilities provide more than
one service. Xcel, which operates in parts of the US, provides
both electricity and natural gas (the latter which is technically
energy too). In a nearby city to where I live, the city owned
utility provides electricity, water, sewer, and internet.
That's something which is not common in Europe. The only close
such case is an power company (EVN) which operates power
infrastructure, heating infrastructure and sells power in the same
area but these activities are separated in subsidiaries. Is that
the case in the US or Xcel does not have subsidiaries for the
different economic activities?
There is no subsidiary.
On 18/11/2022 23:31, Mike Thompson wrote:
Technically what the electric utility is selling is energy, not
power. One gets billed for kilowatt-hours, not kilowatts. See
[0]. However, colloquially, the terms power and energy when it
comes to electric utilities are used interchangeably, although
"power company" seems to be favored vs. "energy company" in the
US where I live. If we want to be clear, why not
office=electric_utility (if that is what we mean)?
A more general issue is that often utilities provide more than
one service. Xcel, which operates in parts of the US, provides
both electricity and natural gas (the latter which is technically
energy too). In a nearby city to where I live, the city owned
utility provides electricity, water, sewer, and internet.
[0] https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Energy_vs_power
On Fri, Nov 18, 2022 at 12:56 PM Dimitar
<osm.dimitar...@gmail.com> wrote:
to introduce a new tag for power utility offices
and deprecate the existing one (office=energy_supplier). The
behind this idea is that energy_supplier can be confusing to
most people.
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