On Oct 7, 2022, at 12:22 AM, Davidoskky via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> 
>> But I am very dubious about deprecation of amenity=drinking_water, even
>> if technically possible.
>> Yes, I agree with Mateusz:  I would find deprecation of 
>> amenity=drinking_water to be highly problematic.  It is a very 
>> long-established tag.

> I also agree with this, I don't think it would be appropriate to substitute 
> amenity=drinking_water at the moment, since it is a working tag and it is 
> quite affirmed. No reason to deprecate it in favour of some new and rather 
> unknown tags.
> If nothing else, I feel that amenity=drinking_water is currently the best 
> working tag among all the ones discussed.
> What I'd like is a stabilization and clear definition of all the other tags 
> so that they could actually get in use.
> If these other tags get adopted by the community, then the deprecation of 
> amenity=drinking_water might be discussed, but this is definitely not the 
> right moment.
> Overall, I'd like to have a discussion about how to regularize 
> amenity=fountain, man_made=water_tap and man_made=drinking_fountain in order 
> to remove all this overlap among those tags and providing a more sensible and 
> less confusing tagging scheme.

And so (as you, Davidoskky are a "primary recipient" I had in mind as I wrote 
it), I explicitly please refer you here [1]:

(and thank you, and thanks to all for continuing to read this almost-tedious 
thread).  I'm glad we do this, sometimes tiring and sometimes irritating it can 
be, but it is very much worth it.

Let's remember:  there is a LOT going on in refining / improving / extending 
tagging.  It can be hard work.

[1] https://lists.osm.org/pipermail/tagging/2022-October/065780.html
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