Vào lúc 03:04 2022-10-05, Warin đã viết:

On 5/10/22 08:25, Minh Nguyen wrote:
Vào lúc 11:54 2022-10-04, Jass Kurn đã viết:
I've just noticed there is a bubbler tag being promoted? Which appears to be an American English term for a British English drinking fountain. Why promote another term, and use an American English term. What was wrong with calling a drinking fountain a drinking fountain?

To clarify, "bubbler" is a distinctively regional term in Boston, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. Elsewhere, it's either "drinking fountain" or "water fountain". [1]

No. 'Bubbler' is also used in Australia. And possibly elsewhere is the world.

Sure, I was just clarifying that "bubbler" isn't _the_ American English term for these devices. Sorry for distracting from the more substantive concern about "fountain", unqualified. It does feel a bit like economizing on keystrokes.

(For what it's worth, I think standardizing on English vocabulary and one English dialect's spelling pattern has benefited the project in terms of predictability. But expecting consistent use of British English vocabulary is already kind of a lost cause, considering the existing subset of approved tags and the reality that no one dialect of English has a word for everything.)


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