We have these in the north as well, often old soldier settlements. Many are are still inhabited today, but the original building most often long gone. We also have those that are abandoned with little sign of that there ever being a building there.

Strangely enough, sometimes the names for the abandoned places have more relevance today than those still inhabited. The inhabited places have modern addresses which are generally used instead, while the abandoned places can be used by hunters or other outdoor people for navigating in the landscape. But it varies place to place.

I have use place=locality for some of these as I've seen others use it, but I haven't had time to give it much thought. It seems like we're trying to move away from place=locality and try to be more specific, which probably is a good idea.

Currently I'm focusing mostly on nature.


On 2020-12-13 11:10, Ture Pålsson via Tagging wrote:

12 dec. 2020 kl. 16:18 skrev Anders Torger <and...@torger.se>:
Indeed, place=locality seems to be a dead end, it's been misused quite much and there's talks about removing it from OSM-Carto, and you can't render good maps from it, so it's technically a poor concept as well.

Around where I live (Stockholm), most place=locality seem to refer to old "torp" [1] and other (at least historically) inhabited places. At least the classic "Terrängkartan" (the "official" paper maps of Sweden, sadly no longer in production) rendered those differently from pure terrain names (upright vs. italic font).

Here in the lake Mälaren valley almost every square meter has been farmed at some point, so most names refer to settled places (or archaeological traces of them). Up north where I grew up, and where Anders seems to be mapping, you get a lot more names that refer to bogs, slopes, mountains and that sort of thing.

It would be nice to have that distinction in OSM, too.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torp_(architecture)

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