> 13 dec. 2020 kl. 11:40 skrev stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com>:
> Thank you, Ture:  an excellent example and a great brief overview.  From my 
> perspective (if I were more of an OSM beginner), I might ask about the 
> example of "torp:"  might creating a tag like building=torp seem like it's on 
> a good track?  Maybe not, as the value is a Swedish word, but there is an 
> historical cognate in British English (more OSM-like for tagging purposes) of 
> "thorpe" (maybe with an e at the end, maybe not) which came from, but doesn't 
> really mean the same thing all by itself in English, 

In many cases, the buildings are long gone and just the name remains. I 
*thought* that those places were still labelled in upright letters in the 
”official” maps, but it turns out that I was wrong — in the present-day 
online-only version of those maps, those names that have lost their buildings 
have turned italic. Which is good for us, because it means we could still map 
building=torp where there actually is a building, and something else 
(historic=torp? historic=farm, farm=torp?) where there isn’t. :)

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