Mass testing without the strict isolation doesn't work, no matter how
important the sport or the person. Strict isolation (not 'bubbles') without
mass testing will work.
Anyway, It's almost done, then all temp structures and facilities will
disappear in favour of soon forgotten "quick response" plans.

Peter Elderson

Op do 26 nov. 2020 om 21:07 schreef Martin Koppenhoefer <>:

> Am Do., 26. Nov. 2020 um 18:35 Uhr schrieb Peter Elderson <
>> Well, mass testing did not stop the virus anywhere, it just costs a lot,
>> drives people to despair and boosts the numbers.
> this is off topic here, but apparently the Chinese have succeeded in
> stopping the pandemic there, by strict isolation and mass testing whenever
> a new case was discovered somewhere.
> Cheers
> Martin
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