Unless somebody has a crystal ball, it's at least plausible that these
could be around for quite some time.  If we're lucky and they go away
quickly, it's easy enough to remove the tagging later.  But, "indefinite
duration" seems like a sufficient level of permanence for an OSM feature.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 5:20 PM Peter Elderson <pelder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We (Nederland) will likely use the flu vac system of local practitioners
> and old people's homes to do groups at risk first, and health care
> personnel will take care of themselves while administering.Will take two to
> three weeks for the first shot, and if a second shot is needed, 6 weeks.
> The rest will probably need to apply, and I think the Covid testing
> facilities will be used for the mass vax. This will probably take months,
> mainly because of supply chain and cold chain problems. Everybody will
> turn into an opportunist, politicians will literally lose their voices
> because of all the yelling at each other. Then it will become a standard
> yearly vaccination and we will all return to normal. O, the stories we will
> tell our grandchildren when they really just want to hang out with each
> other and play games...
> Best, Peter Elderson
> Op wo 25 nov. 2020 om 22:33 schreef Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com>:
>> On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 at 20:01, Philip Barnes <p...@trigpoint.me.uk> wrote:
>> Although in this case I would expect the approach to be to set up
>>> sessions for schools, universities and at larger employers and for the
>>> general population it will simply attend an appointment at their local
>>> medical centre.
>> Even back in the Before Times, flu jabs were not given at the local
>> medical
>> centre but in a large exercise hall.  I think that was more to do with
>> numbers
>> than anything else.  Covid is more infectious than flu (but less so than
>> measles)
>> and the indications are strong that you're at a lot greater risk indoors
>> than
>> outdoors.
>> I doubt that testing or vaccination will take place at local medical
>> centres.  All
>> the testing centres I know of, whether short-term or longer-term have the
>> testing conducted outdoors.
>> Right now, because of a recent surge in cases in my town the medical
>> centre is only permitting people to turn up if they get an appointment
>> because it is "absolutely necessary" (their words, not mine) they see
>> a doctor.
>> I've been paying a lot of attention to this stuff (because of underlying
>> health conditions which mean I'm very unlikely to survive it) and I
>> seriously doubt we'll see testing or vaccination conducted indoors
>> until all medical staff have been vaccinated and enough of the
>> general population have been vaccinated to achieve herd
>> immunity.
>> --
>> Paul
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