Warning: I am not a lawyer

In short: technically CC0 may be used, but it would be confusing as ODBL would 
apply anyway.

See https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Licence_Compatibility#CC0

"CC0 licenced material is in general compatible, however the license only 
to material the licensor actually has rights in and specifically avoids making a
statement on the status of any third party material included."

So you could license this as CC0, but it does not mean that other limitations 
not applying (limited extraction of just some shapes from OpenStreetMap may
be doable without triggering ODBL - see
but such project would likely quickly pass it).

In the same way as Wikidata is CC0 but not importable into OpenStreetMap
as they include location data systematically copied from various sources,
for example Google Maps.

Nov 8, 2020, 10:10 by tagging@openstreetmap.org:

> Good initiative Martin, at first sight I'll make two comments :
> * CC0 doesn't allow to derive data from OSM
> * as geometries are fuzzy in nature, there should be a way to accept several 
> geometries for a same entity, be it only to avoid long discussions on 
> boundaries
> Yves 
> Le 8 novembre 2020 09:47:04 GMT+01:00, Martin Koppenhoefer 
> <dieterdre...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> sent from a phone
>>> On 8. Nov 2020, at 09:24, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging 
>>> <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>>> I really like an idea of separate database/layer for such fuzzy objects.
>> I have started a project to collect such fuzzy objects. Data is stored in a 
>> git repo in Geojson representation. Pull requests welcome.
>> https://github.com/dieterdreist/OpenGeographyRegions
>> Cheers Martin 

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