I really like an idea of separate database/layer for such fuzzy objects.

Especially as there are multiple competing ideas for when specific
object ends and even how many continents/oceans we have.

Nov 8, 2020, 06:51 by tomasstrau...@gmail.com:

> If we're talking about fuzzy features (which do not have specific
> boundaries) like mountain ranges, bays, straits etc. the problem is
> that just a point is not enough, text must have direction, sometimes
> even curvature to follow the geometry of the object ant thus "connect"
> the label with the object in our consciousness. Additionally, for some
> objects, say bays, we need totally different set of labels for
> different zooms and that can only be calculated if we have a polygon
> (check water labels and how they change
> https://topo.openmap.lt/#t/13/54.33547/24.36494/0/0/ starting with
> zoom 16 there is actually a lot of labels placed in different places
> of the waterbody). But placing polygons for fuzzy objects have
> problems:
>  * borders are not verifiable on the ground (as there is actually no
> border - object is "fuzzy")
>  * imprecisely drawn boundaries of such objects look bad in the
> editor, intersect with other objects and this kind of pushes mappers
> to simply use boundaries of  existing features (like coastlines) which
> makes those object waaaaaay too precise for fuzzy objects.
>  My personal opinion is that such objects could be moved to a
> separate database specific to fuzzy objects. That database should not
> have ANY connection to the main database so that mappers would not be
> able to reuse geometries of the main database. Thus license would be
> the same, toolchain would be the same, data could later be used
> alongside the data from the "main" database. Everyone should be happy,
> both arguments (Christophs and Frederiks) against such objects would
> be satisfied?
> -- 
> Tomas
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