What leads you to believe that I am not calm ?

Have a nice day.

On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 11:40, Thibault Molleman <thibaultmolle...@gmail.com>

> Calm down.
> Normally if these images get their license upgraded to this newer license,
> normally it shouldn't be able to be reverted. But we'll see once they
> publish the license.
> (I don't really see a reason why Facebook would want to do that though
> tbh. Having Mapillary contain as much data as possible benefits them.)
> And yes, it's free. in exchange for nothing except a mention that it was
> from Mapillary.
> The whole 'problem' that facebook has, has nothing to do with this.
> it's not because a website uses Mapillary data that they need to implement
> cookies and other facebook crap....
> Don't overreact..
> On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 11:20, European Water Project <
> europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Thibault,
>> >>>>all the mapillary data is from now free to use, even for commercial
>> use : "Moving forward, that will continue to be true, except that starting
>> today, it will also be free to use for commercial users as well"
>> For how long ?  and free in exchange for what --- the ability to place
>> cookies, track and target users/clients with advertisements & political
>> messages ?
>> Best regards,
>> Stuart
>> On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 10:24, Thibault Molleman <
>> thibaultmolle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> While I'm not a fan of Facebook either.
>>> If you play devils advocate. they have done some good stuff. and already
>>> notice some good changes to mapilary as well:
>>> - they have done some amazing work with 'map with AI'
>>> - all the mapillary data is from now free to use, even for commercial
>>> use : "Moving forward, that will continue to be true, except that starting
>>> today, it will also be free to use for commercial users as well"
>>> - and "This next chapter of Mapillary’s journey is an opportunity to
>>> build upon our OpenStreetMap efforts to a degree that was not possible
>>> earlier on. Previous OpenStreetMap development had to be balanced against
>>> development work for other mapping use cases. As part of Facebook, we can
>>> focus on OpenStreetMap while supporting Facebook’s open mapping efforts."
>>> Source: https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/jesolem/diary/393358
>>> So this (in theorie) could be a good thing
>>> On Fri, 19 Jun 2020 at 07:28, European Water Project <
>>> europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hopefully a significant level of data openness will continue to be part
>>>> of Mapillary's business model.
>>>> yes, we can just hope for it. Not more.
>>>> Just in case someone missed this, Mapillary has been acquired by
>>>> Facebook yesterday...
>>>> https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/06/18/business/18reuters-facebook-deals-mapillary.html
>>>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020, 22:08 Andy Mabbett <a...@pigsonthewing.org.uk>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 8 Jun 2020 at 12:14, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > Photos of buildings are even more notable then photos of bicycle
>>>>> parking,
>>>>> > so I'll try and take photos of a few buildings and see how that goes.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I probably won't be creating a category for each building, so then I
>>>>> will be
>>>>> > linking to those pictures with the image=* tag, right?
>>>>> You might like this tool:
>>>>>    https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikishootme/
>>>>> which will tell you whether the buildings you photograph have an entry
>>>>> in Wikidata, and whether or not that entry has an image; if not, once
>>>>> you upload your image to Commons, you can also link to it from
>>>>> Wikidata.
>>>>> (Although it can be used as I describe above, its primary purpose is
>>>>> to find, for a given location, nearby Wikidata items that lack
>>>>> images.)
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andy Mabbett
>>>>> @pigsonthewing
>>>>> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
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