On 5/25/20 3:42 AM, Warin wrote:

You will need to be very clear what a 'common' is and how it is different from other tags such as amenity=marketplace, leisure=park

The defining characteristics are: being open to public, not designated for a specific purpose, not landscaped (or that would be a park), not a marketplace (in West Africa, marketplaces are regulated and occur almost only at designated locations), not a pitch (when a couple pairs of goalposts are planted at extremities, the pitchness sometimes takes precedence and a few such locations are rightfully mapped as soccer pitches - but usually playing ball is just one of the uses of such places)

A possible alternative, not yet mentioned here, is place=square (which by the way is the English for the concept of piazza/plaza) "A town or village square: a paved open public space, generally of architectural significance, which is surrounded by buildings in a built-up area such as a city, town or village" - https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/place=square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_square - but it is part of the place=* hierarchy, which is not fit for our purpose: place=* requires a name=* and this places are rarely named.

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