On 03/05/2020 16:12, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

So, this discussion gravitates towards using landuse=common for those African urban freely accessible multipurpose open spaces, which I fully support.

Just to be clear you've said "landuse=common" above but "leisure=common" below?

Implementing this change requires the following actions:

- Editing the leisure=common wiki page, in French and in English (I'll do that)

- Reinstating the rendering of leisure=common in downstream cartographic styles, would be even better if the color matched the surface=* so that sandy surfaces don't appear green.

Each cartographic style will have its own sorts of things that it wants to show, and I can fully understand some of them thinking that "leisure=common" isn't something that they want to show. You'll be able to submit pull requests to those that are in github, but there's no "automatic right of feature X to be shown".

With regard to the second bit, I'd be happy to accept a pull request at https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/SomeoneElse-style that did that (it'd be about half a dozen lines of lua).  Setting up a map server based on that is pretty straightforward - it's set out in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:SomeoneElse/Ubuntu_1804_tileserver_load which in turn is very similar to https://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ .  Server costs would be significant on an average salary in Mali (a day's wages per month or so?) but much less so on an a European or North American one (perhaps a cup of coffee-shop coffee every few days).

- Reinstating the rendering of leisure=common in JOSM's default style (it recently changed to grey to mark deprecation). (I'll open a JOSM ticket

- Altering QA rules (JOSM Validator and Osmose) so that the leisure=common deprecation only applies to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, where commons have a legal definition and designation=common must be used for them. (I'll open a JOSM ticket but if someone has prior experience interacting with the Osmose people, that would be nice)

Actually, I'd suggest that "leisure=common" was perfectly valid in the UK too.  Back in 2017 it was misused as a tag in the UK but now it mostly isn't; I added it back in to the style that I maintain for UK/Ireland this year.  Obviously "designation", if known, makes sense too.

Best Regards,


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