This has been a long thread so far. landuse=common, I have used it pretty
much in Ghana and West Africa as well when an open space just didn't serve
one purpose, neither a pitch nor park but can be used for both. This
deprecation needs a second look.


Am So., 3. Mai 2020 um 18:55 Uhr schrieb Jean-Marc Liotier <>:

> On 5/3/20 7:36 PM, Marc M. wrote:
> Le 03.05.20 à 18:13, Joseph Eisenberg a écrit :
> it is true that this tag (leisure=common)is ambiguous because it is being
> used for totally different purposes in different countries.
> I think this argument is crucial. if more than one meaning exists for a
> tag, having a precise meaning for a country is useless, osm is a global
> base, it's a bad idea to hope a render style "tag A rendered as meaning1 in
> Africa, as meaning2 in Europe, as meaning3 in Asia".
> Then, isn't it nice that leisure=common has been abandoned in it's former
> British usage ? As far as I know, that was its only other usage - or is it
> also used in other parts of the world ?
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