Dear Manon, This new proposal is a big improvement over the previous proposal and properly addresses the many objections to place=refugee_site.
A flexible namespace with segregated data related to refugee sites will allow ongoing refugee site data maintenance by facilitating operator source data comparison in addition to easy refugee site data extraction (objective #3). I am supportive. Best regards, Stuart On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 at 16:54, Manon Viou <> wrote: > Dear All, > > Discussions continue regarding how to best tag places sheltering refugees > and/or internally displaced persons. > > Before jumping into the discussion regarding the pros and cons of the > alternative solutions debated so far, I want to recap our objectives. > > *Objectives :* > > - develop a general set of tags which satisfy all the tagging > requirements of the many colors and flavors of refugee sites which exist in > the world. > - develop tags which allow one to describe the features of the refugee > site element, such as the "operator" (eg.UNHCR) , the type of population > (refugee_only/internally_displaced), if the site is formal or informal, the > refugee population, etc .. > - develop tags which allow easy refugee site data extraction from the > OpenStreetMap database using Overpass by anyone who wants to display > refugee sites on a map. > > We welcome all constructive suggestions which help meet these goals. If > anyone has any suggestions for improvements of the objectives, we welcome > those too. > > > *State of current discussions:* > > In our second feature proposal we first tried to better defend the use of > the key:place, but it seems that a majority of people are opposed to the > use of it. > > We have recently received two suggestions which we have combined below in > a manner which we believe could meet the stated objectives : > > *Key refugee_site for large facilities * > > The key refugee_site=yes is added to a place tag. > > - place <>=neighbourhood > <>/suburb > <>/village > <>/town > <> > - + landuse=residential > - + refugee_site=yes. > > The tag refugee_site=yes will allows to easily add secondary optional > information to be able to details the typology of the camps and other > valuable information like: > > - + refugee_site:for = internally_displaced/refugee_only/mixed > - + refugee_site:operator = UNHCR/Red Cross/etc. > - + refugee_site:duration = permanent/temporary > - + refugee_site:population = 500,000 > - + refugee_site:structure=shelters/tents/multifunctional/mixed > - + refugee_site:status=formal/informal > > *Key Amenity=social_facility for small facilities [a majority agreed that > social_facility is not appropriate for large site]* > > For small facilities (less than 5 buildings) also sheltering refugee (for > instance: refugee centers, accommodation center, care and hosting center), > that are not exactly what we can call refugee site, use the existing tag: > > - amenity=social_facility > - + social_facility=shelter > - + social_facility:for= internally_displaced/refugee > > Thank you for your consideration, > > [image: CartONG- Humanitarian mapping and information management] > <> > > Manon Viou > > *Coordinatrice projet Missing Maps* > > [image: Email:] | [image: Skype:] manon.viou > [image: Phone:] +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82 | [image: Mobile:] +33 (0)7 83889839 > > [image: Address:] Chambéry, France - Lon: 05°55'24''N | Lat: 45°30'20''E > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > >
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