Dear All,

Discussions continue regarding how to best tag places sheltering refugees and/or internally displaced persons.

Before jumping into the discussion regarding the pros and cons of the alternative solutions debated so far, I want to recap our objectives. 

Objectives :

 - develop a general set of tags  which satisfy all the tagging requirements of the many colors and flavors of refugee sites which exist in the world. 
 - develop tags which allow one to describe the features of the refugee site element, such as the "operator" (eg.UNHCR) , the type of population (refugee_only/internally_displaced), if the site is formal or informal, the refugee population, etc ..
 - develop tags which allow easy refugee site data extraction from the OpenStreetMap database using Overpass by anyone who wants to display refugee sites on a map. 

We welcome all constructive suggestions which help meet these goals.  If anyone has any suggestions for improvements of the objectives, we welcome those too. 

State of current discussions:

In our second feature proposal we first tried to better defend the use of the key:place, but it seems that a majority of people are opposed to the use of it.

We have recently received two suggestions which we have combined below in a manner which we believe could meet the stated objectives : 

Key refugee_site for large facilities 

The key refugee_site=yes is added to a place tag.
The tag refugee_site=yes will allows to easily add secondary optional information to be able to details the typology of the camps and other valuable information like:
  • + refugee_site:for = "">
  • + refugee_site:operator = UNHCR/Red Cross/etc. 
  • + refugee_site:duration = permanent/temporary 
  • + refugee_site:population = 500,000
  • + refugee_site:structure=shelters/tents/multifunctional/mixed
  • + refugee_site:status=formal/informal
Key Amenity=social_facility for small facilities  [a majority agreed that social_facility is not appropriate for large site]
For small facilities (less than 5 buildings) also sheltering refugee (for instance: refugee centers, accommodation center, care and hosting center), that are not exactly what we can call refugee site, use the existing tag:
  • amenity=social_facility
  • + social_facility=shelter
  • + social_facility:for= "">
Thank you for your consideration, 

CartONG- Humanitarian mapping and information management

Manon Viou

Coordinatrice projet Missing Maps

Email: | Skype: manon.viou
Phone: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82 | Mobile: +33 (0)7 83889839

Address: Chambéry, France - Lon: 05°55'24''N | Lat: 45°30'20''E

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