We do  not need a new highway tag value "singletrack".
I independently read the Wikipedia article, and had come to the conclusion
that a singletrack is clearly
highway=path; surface=unpaved; width=*; mtb:scale=*; mtb:scale:uphill=*;
mtb:scale:downhill=* and any other tag form the wiki page Mountain biking
It does not need foot=yes and bicycle=yes, as this is implicit.
A highway=path is, according the wiki, a "singletrack" ("If a path is wide
enough for 4-wheel-vehicles (wider than 2 m), and it is not legally
signposted or otherwise only allowed for pedestrians, cyclists or
horseriders, it is often better tagged as a highway
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dtrack> or highway
It is not different from any mountain trail here. There is no preference
for MTBs according Wikipedia. It is shared with hikers.
And the doubletrack shown on the same page is identical with any
run-of-the-mill forest road here in Europe, which we usually tag as
highway=track. And unfortunately I would call this specific one a
single-track forest road. :-(

On Fri, 3 Apr 2020 at 16:56, Jonathon Rossi <j...@jonorossi.com> wrote:

> I think using highway=singletrack could be a good complement to
>> highway=track, then we can use standard access (default foot=yes, horse=no,
>> bicycle=yes, motorcycle=no) and surface tagging like we do for
>> highway=track. highway=path can continue to be the catch all for "a
>> non-specific path".
> I'd also use [highway=singletrack bicycle=no] to "fix" tagging currently
> using highway=path for specific singletrack in protected national parks
> where MTBs are not permitted, where foot=yes is the only allowed access.
> This compliments [highway=track bicycle=no] in the same parks where only
> rangers are allowed to use the fire roads.
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