On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 10:37, MARLIN LUKE <luke.mar...@viacesi.fr> wrote:

"Picnic room" seems to be used by some ski resort in France, and I've seen
> it on some tourism forums on ski threads so it might at least be understood
> by english skiers.

Understood by those English speakers who have used that resort in France or
read those forums.  Not a good basis for a tag that most will find

> I'm unsure whether creating something like "indoor_food_consumption" is a
> good idea if the only usage is for ski resorts and a less-generic name
> exists.

I'm hoping somebody will come up with a less generic name.  Or a better name
than "indoor_food_consumption" that means the same thing.  Failing that,
"dining_area" is the least bad name I've thought of so far.  Or
might be better.

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