There was once a normal crossing of 4 ways, which has been converted into a
"normal roundabout" by putting up a set of arrow signs on a single pole in
the centre (i.e. it was mini wrt dimensions, but not because it was not
traversable). As this didn't work out (no room for bigger vehicles to turn)
they removed the centre pole hence making it a true mini-roundabout. For
some reason this summer they removed the roundabout signs but kept the
give-way signs on all ways and made 2 of the ways oneway streets, effective
keeping the mini-roundabout situation. Is this still a mini-roundabout now?

Here's the situation:

this was the recent situation after the central obstacle was removed and
before the roundabout signs were removed:,12.4807523,3a,75y,350.02h,90.94t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sczuox86d1I8lGASn0YgzuQ!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192

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