24 Oct 2019, 08:21 by frede...@remote.org:

> Hi,
> On 23.10.19 14:54, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>> I think the best suggestion in this case would be to update the
>> documentation, particularly in translated pages, clarifying that the tag is
>> intended for the formal mini-roundabout design as found in the UK, Ireland,
>> France etc., and not for any flat roundabout.
> The wiki is a bit conflicting here.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dmini_roundabout says
> If there is only a single vehicle, or two vehicles traveling in opposite
> directions, it is common – but not necessary legal in all countries – to
> drive straight across the middle rather than going around.
> Whereas the German translation only said that you "can" go over the
> centre, not that you usually would. I adapted the German translation to
> more closely follow the English text.
And I edited English page moving it from introduction and weakening claims a bit
as this specific case is not too important and differs between countries.

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