On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 at 14:26, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> I have proposed a long time ago a tag religious_rank which was thought for
> example as a modifier for places of worship and monsteries. It’s not
> particularly popular, but it could be suitable for finer distinctions:
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/religious_rank

Some denominations have strict ranks.  Others are far more egalitarian.
And what rank is
the only place of worship of a very small denomination?

(It’s currently not very likely we will map religious divisions/districts
> and represent the whole hierarchy of the catholic church (or others, but
> they are the biggest and likely most organized/differentiated) so that we
> could add churches as seat of a bishop to a relation).

A diocesan relation might be useful to some people.  But is it necessary to
have a rank
tag on the places of worship to achieve it?  A role would do the same thing.

> Additionally, I believe (not completely sure), that cathedrals might keep
> their title after a reorganization of the administrative district (so there
> could be 2 cathedrals for one bishop in some cases).

Nope.  The cathedral follows the bishop (in Catholicism, not sure about
other denominations
that have cathedrals).  If a bishop moves out of a large, ornate building
with gothic arches
and flying buttresses (what most of us think of when we hear the word
"cathedral") then it
ceases to be a cathedral.  If that bishop moves into a small, crude chapel
then it becomes
the cathedral.  In practise that rarely happens and bishops get the biggest
and best

Nevertheless, most people who see a certain type of building immediately
think "cathedral"
whether it has a bishop or not.

> And there are lower titles of churches, like collegiate churches, parish
> churches, etc, which are still more important than “ordinary” churches.

Few of those distinctions are obvious from the outside, though.  And we
both forgot about
minsters.  But I think this is taking us into the realms of how many angels
can dance on the
head of an OSM node.  I wonder if any light can be shed upon this
discussion by

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