On Saturday, September 21, 2019 2:49:28 PM EDT Valor Naram via Tagging wrote:
> I want to change the wiki page
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:phone throw a Proposal process
> to do certain things:
>   - Deprecating `contact:phone`
I disagree with this idea. I believe that contact:phone is superior to phone. 
This way, all contact information is in its own namespace rather than being 
top level tags. Even though currently the prefixed contact* tags are in the 
minority, I believe that long term they are better. 
>   - Promoting `phone`
>   - Extending `phone`
I would propose that rather we extend contact:phone. 

> But before I do that, I will hear your voices. I included a Markdown
> file with this e-mail and want to know what you think. 
I think that adding country tagged phone numbers seems like a good idea. As 
does phone:emergency. I think phone:night and phone:press are getting too off 
topic (so I wouldn't tag them).

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