I want to change the wiki page
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:phone throw a Proposal process
to do certain things:
  - Deprecating `contact:phone`
  - Promoting `phone`
  - Extending `phone`
  - Protecting the wiki page against "wild changes" in the interest of
the community (to maintain a consistent use of `phone` because as one
of the most used keys on OSM we cannot use `phone` differently or not
following the specification at all. We simply cannot do that because
apps working this that key need a consistent tagging scheme.)

But before I do that, I will hear your voices. I included a Markdown
file with this e-mail and want to know what you think. Is there a
possibility to use Markdown in our wiki or to convert Markdown into
wiki formatting?


Sören Reinecke alias Valor Naram
# Usage

## Format of phone numbers

Phone numbers should be always in the following format ([ITU-T E.123](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.123 "wikipedia:E.123") and [DIN 5008](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/de:DIN_5008 "wikipedia:de:DIN 5008")):

    +<country code> <area code> <local number>

or ([RFC 3966](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3966.txt)/[NANP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NANP "wikipedia:NANP"))

    +<country code>-<area code>-<local number>

Both in [ITU-T E.164](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164) format

## Usage

| Key                           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Example                                               | Notes                                                                                       |
| ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `phone`                       | Put in the phone number under which the facility which runs that POI can be contacted                                                                                                                                                          | `phone=+49 3316 769689`                               |                                                                                             |
| `phone:press`                 | Phone number for press inquiries                                                                                                                                                                                                               | `phone=+49 3316 76968901`                             |                                                                                             |
| `phone:night`                 | Phone number to be called at night (local time of the place the facility is in)                                                                                                                                                                | `phone=+49 157 3929054`                               |                                                                                             |
| `phone:emergency`             | Phone number to be called in case of emergency                                                                                                                                                                                                 | `phone=+49 157 3929054`                               |                                                                                             |
| `phone:<country code>`        | Phone number to be called just from a person who lives or has a stay in <country code> (country). Please ommit the country code in the phone number when the number can only be called from within that country specified in `<country code>`. | `phone:FR=+33 6 12654478` or `phone:BE=+32 5753 6245` | See the _Tagging different numbers for different countries_ section for better explanation. |
| `phone:<country code>:mobile` | Mobile phone number to be called from a person who lives or has a stay in <country code>(country). Please ommit the `<country code>`when the number can only be called from within that country specified in `<country code>`.                 | `phone:FR:mobile=3000`                                | See the _Tagging different numbers for different countries_ section for better explanation. |

### Subkeys

This tagging supports the use of subkeys. Subkeys are in the following format:


For Example:


| Subkey           | Description                                                                                                                                                                                              | Example                           | Notes |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ----- |
| `press`          | Phone number for press inquiries                                                                                                                                                                         | `phone:press=+49 3316 76968901`   |       |
| `night`          | Phone number to be called at night (local time of the place the facility is in)                                                                                                                          | `phone:night=+49 157 3929054`     |       |
| `emergency`      | Phone number to be called in case of emergency                                                                                                                                                           | `phone:emergency=+49 157 3929054` |       |
| `<country code>` | Placeholder for the country code. Please stick to the [ISO 3166-1](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1) code. This subkey can also contain subkeys from this table like `phone:<country code>:night` | `phone:BE=+32 5753 624`           |       |
| `mobile`         | A mobile phone number. This subkey can also contain subkeys from this table like `phone:mobile:press`                                                                                                    | `phone:mobile=+49 157 3929058`    |       |

### Phone numbers of telephone boxes

Even phone boxes have telephone numbers. Don't be confused. Telephone boxes must *always* be tagged with [amenity](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:amenity "Key:amenity")=[telephone](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtelephone "Tag:amenity=telephone") to describe what the object is. You can add the phone=* tag to supply the extra detail of its telephone number (depending on how diligent you feel like being).

phone=+49 4721 28695 for a public phone box on the German island [Neuwerk](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuwerk "wikipedia:Neuwerk").

## Tagging different numbers for different countries

Some amenities provide a different phone number for different countries 
(mostly seen when the amenity is on a country boundary, or is an 
international company).

One of the possible ways to solve this is by adding the [ISO 3166-1 country code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1) at the end of the key like `phone:<country code>` e.g. `phone:BE`.
For example *(all phone numbers below are invented only for documenting this page)*:

- phone=+32 57 53 62 45 for the country where the amenity is,
- phone:BE=+32 57 53 62 45 and phone:FR=+33 6 12654478 for different national phone numbers. Note that when using country 
  codes, the convention is to make it uppercase, so it is not confused 
  with a language code (but some mappers use lowercase instead).

Also some amenities have a local phone number which can only be used 
domestically not cannot be called internationally (notably for toll free
 phone numbers, or abbreviated phone numbers). For international calls, 
they publish another phone number. For example:

- phone:FR=0 800 123 456 for standard toll free call only from France where the amenity is (note
   that there's NO "+" sign, it is NOT in international format),
- phone=+33 1 23 45 67 89 when calling from any other country (note that it is not always 
  possible to use it for domestic calls, or the toll free rate will not 
  apply: users have to use the national number instead, they will most 
  often be instructed by an automated vocal system: the most selective 
  applicable key should be used; this means that OSM user agents should 
  present the list of possible phone numbers, with their restrictions 
  encoded in the subkey, to allow users to select which phone number to 
  call, even if these agents preselect an applicable one).

## Applications / Web services that display or dial the number from OSM

- [Offmaps](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Offmaps "Offmaps") (iPhone): Displays and dials the phone number in the app's downloadable City Guides.
- [OsmAnd](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OsmAnd "OsmAnd"): Displays and dials the phone number of all types of indexed POI.
- [Maps.Me](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Maps.Me "Maps.Me"): Displays and dials the phone number of all types of indexed POI.
- [Galileo Offline Maps](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Galileo_Offline_Maps "Galileo Offline Maps"): Displays and dials the phone number of all types of indexed POI.

## See also

- [Proposed features/Phone](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Phone "Proposed features/Phone") - A proposal for *this* tag, which has been rejected but then approved.
- [List of country calling codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:List_of_country_calling_codes) on Wikipedia
- [Prefix code](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Prefix_code) on Wikipedia
- [Tag:amenity=telephone](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtelephone "Tag:amenity=telephone") public telephone, phone box
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